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Cover and interior design and illustrations for the album “Ya se mira el horizonte. Principios y demandas zapatistas”

The horizon you look at is not a distant place that you never reach. It is tangible, possible and concrete. NOW LOOKING AT THE HORIZON expresses the principles that guide a new way of doing politics in the construction of autonomous communities. The Zapatista movement keeps them alive in the struggle and resistance of their people. They are melodies and verses that emerge to strengthen the foundations of a world where many worlds fit. Voices of men and women who join the cry of rebellious dignity and give away their art so that the true and just word does not remain silent. The Zapatista principles and demands have the colors and beliefs of those from below; They resonate in every town, in every struggle. It's you, it's us. Zapatismo is a lighthouse, other paths are possible. Trails that already have a footprint and that paint the horizon with new colors.*

Album publisher

Made together with the Chiapas Solidarity Network of Buenos Aires in its commitment to spread the word and the Zapatista struggle.

Connection that transforms

— Pacheco/ San Fernando,
Buenos Aires, CP1436
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